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Kohler Athletic Bomber Boosters

The Kohler Athletic Bomber Boosters is an organization comprised of parents, community volunteers and school district personnel that share an interest in enhancing the Kohler High School athletics program.

Our organization recognizes that participation in high school athletics promotes school spirit, benefits student athletes as individuals, and we provide opportunities to build and strengthen relationships among the student body, coaching staff, teaching staff, parents and the community at large. 

Our primary purpose is to assist in maintaining the history and tradition of excellence in Kohler High School Athletics by fundraising and providing supplemental financial support beyond what the school athletic budget provides.

Our role is not limited to financial assistance. We are also active in a variety of programs that promote and foster the development of life skills such as leadership, sportsmanship, wellness and we collaborate on initiatives that benefit the KHS community beyond athletics.

Back of a group of volunteers

Concessions Sign-Up

Our biggest fundraising efforts are put into the support of the concessions stand at every home game.  


Bring a friend or your family and have some fun!

No upcoming events at the moment
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